The Invisalign system consists of a series of 10+ custom-made, mouth guard-like clear plastic aligners that cover all surfaces of your teeth. The treatment is customizable and planned by the doctor for your specific case. The aligners are removable by the patient and are replaced every 2 weeks (or every 1 week utilizing the vProsystem). As your teeth move, the next aligner is created to continue the path toward a straight smile. We recommend aligners to be worn 22+ hours a day, and are only taken out while eating or drinking, or brushing and flossing. This system provides the most esthetic option for patients who are looking to achieve their goal of a straighter smile without the physical appearance of metal braces or clear braces. In addition, patients utilizing the Invisalign system are able to eat whatever they want without any restrictions. They also have the option to bleach (or whiten their teeth) utilizing these trays! Read more about this esthetic option here!